Holy Communion
The central act of Christian worship is the Holy Communion service, in which we hear God’s word read and preached, pray, confess our sins, hear God’s absolution, and receive the bread and wine, Christ's precious body and blood.
Sunday 9:30 AM
Fellowship & Catechism Hour (Adult & Children) following
Worship service streamed at: Holy Trinity REC Fairfax - YouTube
Evening Prayer
Sacred evening prayers, where God’s word is read, and the divine liturgy proclaims His glory in worship and thanksgiving.
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Fellowship Dinner served before evening prayer
What Is Common Prayer?
O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness; let the whole earth stand in awe of him.
– Psalm 96:9
As Anglicans, our spirituality is formed by worship. We believe that worship is foundational to who we are as Christians, and as human beings. We therefore seek to be a community that worships God in Spirit and Truth.
We worship through the Biblical and historic Book of Common Prayer. This means that we seek to be formed by prayer, specifically the daily disciplines of Morning and Evening Prayer. We also seek to devote ourselves to the daily reading of God’s Word.
We are a liturgical church. This does not mean we devalue or demean personal or private prayer; on the contrary, our private prayers are to be formed by the liturgy.
Our spirituality is formed by the Sacraments, particularly Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We celebrate Holy Communion weekly. All who have been baptized in Christ’s Church are welcome to the Table.
Our spirituality is reflected in loving acts of service to each other as the Body of Christ, and to the world.
The Book of Common Prayer
The 1928 Book of Common Prayer offers conservative, biblically grounded worship that can be traced back to the ancient church. It reflects a belief about worship from Revelation 19 that worship is coordinated and corporate. This excerpt drawn from the Prayer Book Society captures well the value of the 1928 prayer book in modern worship. We hold up the formularies and the classic text of the common prayer tradition as the paradigm for orthodox, biblical Christianity as well as the most potent vehicle for a life of genuine love and godliness, as St. Peter admonishes us to do (1 Peter 3:15).
The classic prayer book is biblical, created by a culture that was steeped in the words of Holy Scripture. It knits together into glorious prose the very words and phrases of the Bible, and the overarching themes of creation, the Fall, covenant, redemption, atonement, grace, faith, righteousness and glorification. The result is a form of worshipping of the one, true and living God, transcendent and pleasing to Him who is Lord of heaven and earth. It is the perfect balance of Word and sacrament. There is an inherent logic and order to The Book of Common Prayer, both in its individual services and in its entirety. The preaching of the Word is important, but does not eclipse the celebration of the sacrament. The sacrament is important, but does not eclipse the declaration and exposition of the Word of God.