Sunday School
We have classes for all age groups, young and old, in which we teach foundational biblical principles.
Each year, we provide a series on the principles of Christianity, Anglicanism, the Reformed Episcopal Church, and doctrinal truths of the Faith.
Nursery is offered during the worship service for young children.
Wednesday Evening Prayer
Each week, we gather together for Evening Prayer followed by a lesson.
Women’s Fellowship
The ladies of the parish meet together monthly for fellowship and discussion.
Hall of Men
The men of the parish meet together monthly for a discussion on a hero of the faith & dinner.
REC Board of Foreign Missions
Missions play a vital role in growing God's Kingdom and are essential to the vision of the Reformed Episcopal Church.
The Lamb Center
The Lamb Center is a daytime drop-in for the poor and the poor in spirit.
Sanctity of Life Ministries
Offering compassionate support, education and medical services to those who face challenging life decisions.
"REC100" Outreach Program
This vital work from the Reformed Episcopal Church plants new parishes and provides invaluable resources.